Yoplait Nouriche Light Smoothie
I love a good smoothie. A lot of the time, smoothies have become anything other than a healthful drink, often having just as much sugar and fat as a regular milkshake. My personal favorite is the Orange Dream Machine from Jamba Juice, but I don't drink them often as they are really high in points. I like an icy smoothie, as opposed to liquidy and creamy.
But, the new trend in meals-on-the-go is the bottled smoothie pedalled by yogurt companies like Yoplait and Dannon. I haven't had a chance to try the Dannon Light n' Fit yet and I was hesitant to try the original Yoplait Nouriche due to the high point count. It just didn't seem worth it. But, on my last visit to the store, I saw that Yoplait had released a "light" version, so I thought I'd give it a shot.
The bonus is that the whole bottle is only 3 points, 170 calories, 6 gram of fiber and no fat. It does have 33 gram of carbs and 18g of sugar for those of you monitoring that sort of thing. But as a beverage or as a meal replacement, I think it kind of sucks.
I tried the strawberry flavor and the scent that greets you as you're about to take a sip is almost rancid. I double checked the date a few times to make sure I wasn't drinking one that's past the expiration. I tried to get past the scent, but I found it rather hard.
Initial taste? Feh. In fact, it kind of ranks up there with the rancid scent. There is a vaguely sweet and strawberry-ish aftertaste that's somewhat pleasant, but I don't know that I want to wade through the smell and initial taste just to get to that part. I'll just eat a damn yogurt, you know?
Here's the part where we get to consistency. Feh! Blah! Ptooie! This is the part I can't stomach. It's a thick and... well, just thick. And not in a good milkshake sort of way and not even in mediocre smoothie sort of way. It's vile. That I can't get past.
Add these three things to the lamest and most pretentious name for a yogurt ever and I give Yoplait's Nouriche Light Smoothie a whopping donut and a half.