Light Ice Cream
I don't have a huge sweet tooth, but once in a while, usually when I'm PMS-ing, I want chocolate. Chocolate ice cream, usually. A lot of "light" chocolate ice creams leave something to be desired, frankly. There's a grit of some sort that I can't tolerate. It's all about texture.
I saw that Ben & Jerry's have hopped on the Light, Low Carb and Sugar Free bandwagon. They used to carry a fairly decent line of frozen yogurt and light ice cream many years ago, but now have whittled it down to just Phish Food and Cherry Garcia. Oh, and their Chocolate Brownie Frozen Yogurt, which frankly, I think tastes like paste. Not that I've had paste... er, or anything.
I decided to give it a shot. One good thing about Ben & Jerry's, at least with me, is that it's so rich, I can't eat more than a couple spoonfuls at a time. This is good because a serving size is just about that: 1/2 cup. There are four servings in one of those pints, . FOUR. Bear that in mind next time you go on a Chunky Monkey binge.
I've been desperately avoiding the Girl Scouts this year because I know I'm fully capable of scarfing an entire tube of Thin Mints in one sitting. So, I'm just not buying them. I'm weak. I can't deal and I accept that about myself.
But! Ben & Jerry's thoughtfully made a Light Chocolate Mint Cookie ice cream, which I did try instead. Sweet juicy jesus. This stuff is good. I mean, nirvana good. It's orgasmic. Fortunately, I do have some semblance of willpower and decorum, plus it's still really rich, so I can stop after only a couple spoonfuls. But it's delicious.
They have several flavors available in Light, No Sugar Added and Low Carb. Bear in mind that the Low Carb does not mean Light. At ALL. It's definitely high in fat. Same with the low sugar/no sugar varieties.
It's higher in points than most light ice creams. Skinny Cow is only 2 to 3 points a serving and this is a whole 4, but when you're menstrual and want to rip an old lady a new asshole because she took the last bottle of diet coke, this is the ice cream for you.
Half a cup may not seem like a lot, but pair it with 1/2 cup of chopped strawberries or other fruit and you've got a really big dessert that tastes nothing like "light" anything.
Nutrional Info
I give Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Mint Cookie Light Ice Cream 5 Donuts. Five. Cinco.